Resonance Repatterning, Reiki, Astrology
Energy: The Essense of Well-Being
Your personal well-being covers all aspects of your life - physical wellness, emotional happiness, positive relationships, fulfilling work, comfortable financial resources, spiritual connection and sense of purpose.
Every practice at Nabi Su is designed to support your well-being. Each practice has a different approach and emphasis within that overall goal.

Resonance Repatterning
Resonance Repatterning (RR) is a tool for growth and progress. It is non-judgmental and client directed. The client's own system is guiding the process, while the practitioner's skill empowers the journey. The vehicles are the vast treasury of modalities, employing energy techniques both ancient and modern. The goal of Resonance Repatterning is to move to a higher state of coherence and functioning. Your body's own responses light the way as you transform old patterns. New resonance with ever more coherent beliefs and perceptions increases your well-being and allows you the freedom to refine and obtain your deepest goals.
RR Benefits
- Transformation
- Moving forward with ease
- Gaining clarity and self confidence
- Finding new paths to an ever more fulfilling life
Your Reiki session benefits you subtly yet tangibly. You feel relaxed, whole, and at peace with yourself and your world. Any time is a good time to receive a Reiki session. Times of stress, whether physical, mental or emotional, are times you especially may want to treat yourself to this revitalizing experience. You can even receive distance energy sessions.
As you feel the positive energy flow of Reiki, your body releases tensions. Pain, anxiety and problems may dissolve, your brain may create new solutions. Anyone can benefit from Reiki's healing energy flow.
Reiki Benefits
- Physical and emotional restoration
- Soothing, calming and relaxing
- Reducing stress
- Enhancing your innate natural healing ability

Astrology answers your deepest questions about yourself. It's a guide to what's happening in your life. No one can tell you as much about yourself as quickly as a skilled astrologer. You will see your life full spectrum, from the practical to the spiritual, with a positive emphasis on wholeness and purpose. You will be able to ask questions about the issues of most importance to you now, and receive answers that are both objective and sensitive. You will gain perspective on yourself and your life that spans past and future, your inner motivations, your external interactions, your talents and challenges. You will feel an expanded sense of self awareness, acceptance and purpose.
Astrology Benefits
- Perspective on life and relationship
- Being seen and understood
- Gaining positive self-awareness
- Strengthening your confidence in where you stand and in how you move ahead
Schedule Your Session Today
Contact Carolyn Campora to arrange your Resonance Repatterning, Reiki or Astrology session.
Sessions Can be Conducted by
Telephone / Zoom / or In Person
365 Canal Street, #3A
New York, New York 10013
Between West Broadway and Wooster Street
Ring buzzer #3A (to the left side of the door)
Walk up to 3rd floor